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The Glee Club Glasgow
Sammy Obeid: Live! (16+)
Monday 07th April 2025

Lebanese-Palestinian American, born in Oakland California, Sammy Obeid double majored in Business and Mathematics at UC Berkeley and then turned down a job at Google to be a comedian. Now the host of 100 Humans on Netflix, he’s also appeared on NBC's Last Comic Standing and America's Got Talent, as well as TBS’s Conan, and is best known for his world record of performing comedy 1,001 nights in a row, a story featured in both Time Magazine and The New York Times.
VIP Meet and Greet Doors: 6.00 PM

Age Restrictions

16+ only. 16s to 18s must be accompanied by an adult and must carry photo ID. No refunds will be given for incorrectly booked tickets. All under 25s may require government-issued photo ID to gain entry (see FAQs)

Sammy Obeid

Sammy Obeid

Advance Ticket Prices

  • VIP Meet and Greet + Show Entry

  • Wheelchair VIP Meet and Greet + Show Entry

    VIP DOORS 6PM. Wheelchair accessible seating - if booked please email with your requirements. Please book one ticket per wheelchair user, additional attendees who require standard seating should book standard tickets.
  • Show Entry

  • Wheelchair Show Entry

    Wheelchair accessible seating - if booked please email with your requirements. Please book one ticket per wheelchair user, additional attendees who require standard seating should book standard tickets.
  • Booking fee £2.00


  • Doors open 7:00PM
  • Last entry 7:30PM

More information

  • Allocated seating
  • Food available
  • Minimum age: 16+